Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is an annual holiday that pays tribute to mothers and motherhood.  While Mother's Day is officially a once a year holiday, I feel that everyday is truly Mother's Day for me.  I am blessed to be able to be home with my children and get to experience new things with them daily.

I am also blessed to have an amazing mother!  I decided that I should "interview" my mom about her experiences as a mom here is what she said.

How has motherhood changed you?
     Motherhood has opened my heart and eyes to loving people in a way that I never was as a child.

What ages were your favorite?
     Newborn to age five because everything changed so quickly and it was amazing to watch.  Adulthood is also a favorite because this is when your children truly become your friend.

Do you miss having kid in the house?
     No, I got married and had kids at such a young age that I am now able to do the things that most Newlyweds enjoy before having kids.

What was the most difficult part to being a mom?
     Definitely protecting our children so they aren't hurt by others.

What was the most rewarding part of being a mom?
     GRANDCHILDREN and knowing that you have raised two wonderful, caring, and upstanding citizens.

Do you have any advice for other mom's?
     New moms: Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't wait too long before asking for the help.
     Mom to teenagers: Patience, patience, patience
     Mom to an adult child: Enjoy your friendship

I hope that all Mother's and Mother's to be had a wonderful day.  I had an amazing day with my family.  It started off with my husband and sons trying so hard to organize gifts.  ADC (my youngest) went running upstairs, says in a loud voice "Oh, Dad what about the hat and shirts you got?"  MJC replies also in a loud voice "No, I am giving her the hat!"  My husband then replies "You don't have to give her everything."  I was trying so hard no to laugh or yell up the stairs "I can hear you."

As I am opening my gifts MJC is looking at something I am holding and says "Oh, so that's what it looks like. I never really looked at it."  I move onto another item and this time MJC says "That is a shirt to!?!"  I am so glad that he put the time and thought into the gifts he was giving me.  I have to say that my favorite gifts were the ones the boys made at school.

The Card MJC made

The recipe holder that ADC made

The broom ADC made

After a delicious breakfast, made by my husband, and a quick baseball practice the four of us plus the dog headed to John Bryant State Park for lunch and a hike.  This has turned into the best Mother's Day that I have ever had.

My favorite guys hiking

My little men

Small waterfall

Me, the dog and my boys
A Mother's Prayer
Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day, With little time to stop and pray,
For Life's been anything but calm, Since You called me to be a mom -
Running errands, matching socks, Building dreams with matching blocks,
Cooking, cleaning and finding shoes And other stuff that children lose,
Fitting lids on bottled bugs, Wiping tears and giving hugs,
A stack of last week's mail to read - So where's the quiet time I need?
Yet, when I steal a moment, Lord, Just at the sink or ironing board,
To ask the blessings of Your grace, I see then, in my small one's face, That You have blessed me all the while-
And I stoop to kiss... That precious smile. 

Author Unknown